Visual Resource Analysis

Graphic Reports

Conducting a visual impact analysis is one of our expertise. We have the ability to prepare a report for local town permitting/zoning, large regional or state projects, or for the federal government. We have the capabilities to create high-quality published reports, perform extensive GIS analysis, review community standards and plans, create maps and also create simple exhibits to compare and review others' work.

Field Work and Research

T.J. Boyle Associates can provide thorough field investigation analysis as part of the project report. We conduct a desktop review prior to any site visits by using GIS mapping. Depending on the nature of the project the study area varies. Typically we cover a smaller study area for smaller more local projects such as solar panels, telecommunication towers, transmission structures and facilities, and proposed buildings. Offshore wind projects may require a larger area to study. The GIS mapping review of town, state, and other historic documentation allows us to better target the areas of aesthetic concern.


As described in the other Visual Resource Analysis sections, we can prepare report exhibits such as aerial imagery, GIS viewshed maps, mitigation planting plans, illustrative renderings, 3D modeling, visual simulations and sections and perspective. These exhibits allow for the other stake holders to review the overall proposed project changes. These graphics provide visuals to the public for a better understanding of the project, which can be used at various public forums.

301 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401 802.658.3555 [] [fb]